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Writer's pictureDoctors for Choice

Our work so far

Updated: Jul 9, 2019

In case you missed them, here are some highlights of our work during the first two months. We've been quite busy!

🇲🇹 indicates the article/video is in Maltese.

On the 2nd May we launched Doctors for Choice to advocate for reproductive healthcare in Malta. Here is how it was reported by the Times of Malta:

Dr. Alexander Clayman spoke to MaltaToday to explain the purpose of Doctors for Choice; "We decided to come together as a group, to create a shared list of values, that we can all support.”

Dr. Clayman also spoke to LovinMalta on why abortion laws in Malta need to change: "Do You Actually Want To Send Young Maltese Women To Prison For Getting Abortions?"

Dr. Matthew Drake and Dr. Clayman spoke to the Independent about the aims of Doctors for Choice; "To have a healthy society, full stop."

The Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said Malta should discuss abortion:

Doctors for Choice was featured on the BBC, as part of a feature on Malta's law which bans abortion in all circumstances:

On 19th May, Doctors for Choice welcomed its 50th member, therefore doubling in numbers since launch.

A number of our members spoke to POLITICO Europe as part of a feature on the abortion debate in Malta:

Dr. Drake spoke to MaltaToday about why abortion is a medical, not a political issue. "We see a great need for termination of pregnancy services in Malta."

Dr. Gilbert Gravino wrote an extensive article "On Abortion in the Context of Malta" in Isles of the Left Magazine:

Dr. Drake gave two television interviews on TVAM; one about abortion 🇲🇹 and one about the Morning After Pill 🇲🇹

Dr Natalie Psalia spoke to newspaper l-Orizzont about how when women are forced to give birth, they are not treated any better than incubators. 🇲🇹

Doctors for Choice are featured in the University of Malta's THINK magazine. "Voices for Freedom and Choice" by Dr. Clayman:

Dr Christopher Barbara spoke to newspaper l-Orizzont on how abortion is a relatively safe procedure that in most cases causes no physical or mental harm to the woman. This interview was also featured on 🇲🇹


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