Family Planning Advisory Service (FPAS)
The FPAS (Family Planning Advisory Service) is an initiative of Doctors for Choice, Women for Women, and the Women's Rights Foundation. FPAS provides information on reproductive choices to people in Malta.
FPAS volunteers are pro-choice and non-judgemental. FPAS aims to empower women by giving information, advice, and support to enable them to make informed choices.
You can ask anything about reproductive health, and our trained volunteers will provide reliable and unbiased information. They can also refer you to other pro-choice services and clinicians if needed.
Call the FPAS helpline on 2778 0037 or 2034 1686.
If we are busy and cannot answer you please leave your name and phone number and we will call you back.
Visit the FPAS website www.fpas.mt
In Malta, where reproductive rights lag behind those of other European countries, women may find it difficult to get reliable and unbiased information on reproductive options. FPAS aims to meet their needs. FPAS provides:
Information to pregnant women on pregnancy options including abortion advice and information on pregnancy support services. It may also refer you to Abortion Support Network if you need financial assistance.
Information and consultations on contraception, and help to access contraception for those with financial difficulties.
Advice and support by trained volunteers and professionals.
All FPAS services are free.
More services may be announced in the future, so please keep following FPAS on their website www.fpas.mt